Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's all about definition

Topic: It's all about definition

Category : Defining this blog

Definition/description: The phrase "It's all about definition" is a phrase that I've written into my first mobile phone's welcome screen. The inspiration of this phrase is that while doing science classes, the first to be done in order to learn about a phenomenon, is to first define it.

With that thought in mind, it sort of dawns upon me that life and its value, it's all to be determined by how you define it. A bit similar to what a programmer would do at the beginning of his coding, he would define parameters, and then set about his business to instruct the electrons to do his bidding.

Research : A quick look at wikipedia's entry on Definition ( shows that definition is not a simple affair. I shall not repeat what is discussed or described there, but I shall attempt to put it into my own words. The whole complexity of definition, I think is mainly due to the fact that it is a part of language. It is the source of our vocabulary, to describe anything and everything.

Discussion: The interesting bit here (to me at least), is that taking a look into language, it is sort of a standard that we have all (speakers of a language) agreed to ascribe a certain meaning to certain words. Therefore, when making definitions, it is sort of a pact or agreement to describe a certain thing/phenomenon/action in a common way.

From time to time, any particular definition fails to describe these items properly, and in that case, we normally have people who are better versed in the particular field of study, to better describe a definition. I think this kind of specialization are what we are seeing in our society nowadays, each specific field having its own unique jargons and language, that persons not involved in the field would typically find it difficult to comprehend.

From an interesting bit, it now becomes sort of a problem, as knowledge and information become more and more specific to certain fields, we are less and less able to comprehending all the goings on, worse still, we have to make decisions that could have a series of long repercussions in the face of this inability.

Therefore, my personal solution is to then at a certain point, define the criteria of decision for myself, to define for myself, what would bring the best outcome for me. Thereby, cutting out the noise, and reducing the chunk of information needed to be processed.

Conclusion: Well, if you can define your path to happiness and joy and even to misery, then it is up to you to choose what to do with it. But...

“When you have come to the edge of all the light you have and step into the darkness of the unknown. Believe that one of the two will happen to you. Either you'll find something solid to stand on or you'll be taught how to fly!”
- Richard Bach -

Hello World!

Hail friend! My appreciation to you for coming over. I've not been a contributor to the blogosphere for a long time, I did make an attempt some years ago, but the effort sort of petered out. So, here's my second attempt at it.

First of all, I'd like to share with you the reason and idea behind my second attempt. As students in life, we encounter issues after issues day in day out. Sometimes, we could meet up with a pal or two, and over a relaxing meal and tea, we discuss the issues that we have faced. But at times, due to time constraints or interests of the group, we could not delve into these issues as deeply as we want, so I would like to use this blog to hopefully create a small discussion platform on issues that we are commonly enthused in.

So, I will attempt to put up a new post every now and then, I would certainly love to attempt a post every Friday. In each posting, I shall attempt to categorize the content, do some online or the old fashioned library visit research into the topic. Then, discuss the topic with myself, and then sort of come to a personal conclusion. And I would be more than happy that you would take sometime, and leave comments on it. Also, perhaps you could also generate a topic or issue of discussion, and I would do the same, time permits of course.

Well, let's get started!